Early Learning Center

ELC Community

University of Delaware
UD students from teacher education, nursing, physical therapy and many other programs at the University of Delaware come to the Early Learning Center for their hands-on clinical learning experiences. Research shows that families and children in the community are better served by having well trained professionals who know about children’s development, effective ways to teach and interact with children of varying ages, how best to provide services and supports to their families.

Community Partners
Partnerships with local, state and global connections enhance the early education program for staff, children, families and future educators. Recent community partners include United Way of Delaware, PAWS, and the Delaware Readiness Teams. The ELC values connections at all levels and welcome additional organizations to apply to become community partners with the ELC. You may email ud-elc@udel.edu for more information on partnerships.

We welcome approximately 50 UD students in addition to community members each year as volunteers. UD student volunteers have included athletes, education majors, and service organizations such as Buddies for a Brighter Future and Alpha Phi Omega. You are welcome to volunteer as much or little as your schedule allows. Contact the ELC through email or call 302-831-6205 for volunteer requirements and more information about how you can make a positive impact in the life of a child.